Design a company that works - in every phase!

Culcha is a mobile app & desktop application for behavior change in the workplace. Significant change is mesurable after only 6 weeks!

Culcha mockup

More effective than seminars,
E-learning & Co. 

Why? Because Culcha focuses on long-term behavior change. The key to successful change strategies!

With scientifically based methods, such as nudges, self-imposed goals and reflection, as well as our "Quick Wins", Culcha not only imparts the necessary knowledge, but also ensures that the methods learned are really applied.

Our Culcha programmes specifically for young companies and fast impact!

Whether you want to establish a high-performance culture, innovative problem solving, resilience, data-driven working and leading or something else: You'll find exactly what you're looking for in our 100+ modules, created by proven experts and designed specifically for companies like yours. Here is an overview of our 5 new programmes and our prices for young companies (not older than 15 years).

Each programme lasts 3 months and consists of 12 weekly content modules.

  • Rapid Impact

  • Resilience

  • Problem solving

  • Sustainability

  • Your content

Rapid Change program - Culcha

Rapid impact: Defying the Storm & Achieving Your Goals

How to defy the storm and achieve or even surpass your business and transformation goals this year with Culcha's tailor-made program!


Resilience: Empowering Work and Leadership, even in Times of Crisis

Resilience is the ultimate skill of the 21st century! Discover how to empower the mental well-being of your employees and leaders, so that your company remains innovative and successful even in challenging times.

Resilienz 3

Solving problems demands innovative thinking

Change starts in the mind! Discover how you and your team can develop new thinking patterns that will assist you in solving challenging problems and surpassing your self-perceived limits.


Embrace Sustainability as Your Business Strategy!

Ensure the future viability of your business, for both the company, its employees, and the planet. Discover how your company can become a sustainable business, both economically and environmentally, right here.

Laptop-BO-Creation Page

Create your own content in the Culcha Backoffice!

You can also build programs using your own high-quality content - or in combination with Culcha's. And even better: Your content is automatically enhanced with Culcha's didactics and change impulses. With its user-friendly interface and efficient use of AI, the content practically creates itself.

Our offer for young companies

Because we want to give something back to the start-up & scale-up community, we will be giving out Culcha at discounted rates until the end of November! The discount is eligible for all companies that are younger than 15 years old!


49€ € 19 / per month & user

Access to 5 Culcha programs and all behavior change tools.

  • Checkmark 1-50 user
  • Checkmark Access to 5 Culcha programmes (1 programme = 3 months)
  • Checkmark All behaviour change tools: Quick Wins, Challenges, Nudges, Quizzes, etc....
  • Checkmark Detailed statistics to make culture change and staff development measurable
  • Checkmark 24/7 AI chat support as well as email support
  • Checkmark 14 day trial period & 6 week "money back" guarantee if no measurable improvement in company culture.

Rapid change is impossible?

We can debunk that! Culcha has already proven its ability to bring about rapid transformation in many companies:

"Culcha immediately fascinated us: handy, compact and self-portionable. In fact, we are already seeing the first successes after a short time! "

"Even at a very early stage, we were able to achieve visible successes with Culcha in our company. The improvement of communication in the team and the cooperation in the projects was particularly noticeable."

"Within the framework of an initial proof of concept, it became apparent that Culcha perfectly captures the zeitgeist of digital knowledge transfer."

Successful Change or Money Back!

We are dedicated to assisting you through our program. That's why we provide a guarantee that goes beyond the initial 14 days!

If you don't notice any measurable change in your company within six weeks, we will refund you 100% of the amount you invested!

The only requirement is that at least 70% of users have completed a minimum of 3 modules (including surveys within the modules).


Culcha refund garantee